Understanding Scoliosis: Functional and Structural Scoliosis

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According to American Chiropractic Association scoliosis affects 5 to 7 million people in the U.S. More than a half million visits are made to the doctor’s office each year for treatment of scoliosis. Scoliosis is commonly developed in adolescents between 10 to 15 years of age.

What type of Scoliosis do you have?

Non-structural Scoliosis

Non-structural or functional scoliosis is a temporary change caused by muscle spasms and inflammation in your body. Non-structural scoliosis is most likely developed in the later stage of your life due to poor posture and muscle imbalances that results from it. This type can be corrected or maintained.

Structural Scoliosis

Structural scoliosis is a permanent change due to unknown factors or genetics. Examples are birth defect, Marfans syndrome, infection of spine and tumors. The structure cannot be corrected.

Chiropractic Care for Scoliosis

Although chiropractic adjustment will not correct scoliosis completely, research has shown that it can address symptoms and may help prevent further scoliosis. The best way to treat scoliosis is with a brace.

In your initial exam, chiropractor will perform orthopedic and neurological testing to properly diagnose your pain. You’ll be asked series of questions to make sure the chiropractor have enough information before the adjustment.

Our adjustment is very minimal, meaning it is a high velocity, low amplitude technique. It is rare you will feel pain and most people feel a relief after. Chiropractic adjustments will help improve spinal function and alleviate the stress on your system.

If additional imaging is necessary such as X-ray or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), the chiropractor will refer you out.

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